Tone of Hope: Teizo's Broken Shakuhachi
貞蔵さんの割れた尺八~シベリア抑留1000日 命を紡いだ尺八と民謡~
Minyo is the traditional Japanese folk song based on daily life of local people and nature. Akita is said to be the treasure trove of minyo because more than 1000 minyo songs have been born there. It flourished in the 1970s, but after the boom, the number of performers and fans has decreased. Also, COVID-19 gave another blow.
Teizo Fujimaru, from Akita, was the legendary player of shakuhachi, the traditional Japanese bamboo flute used in minyo. He survived the battle of Shumushu island and Siberian internment at the end of the Second World War. Under harsh condition in Siberia, he continued playing shakuhachi to encourage his fellows. Why did Teizo take good care of his shakuhachi for more than 1000 days of extremely severe life? Yu Takahashi, a singer-songwriter from Akita, traces Teizo's life and thoughts.
Corporate and organization leaders are said to be loners.
They also seem to be unapproachable.
However, we want to know more about them, about goals they set, and how they tackle difficult decisions.
“The Leader” features a leader each time, and the documentary reveals a side of them never seen in public. Topics are not limited to their confidence and pride. They talk about skills needed in leading an organization, how they maintain their health, their hobbies, what they read, their thoughts on child rearing, nostalgic locations, turning points in their lives, the follies of youth, and things they love with all their heart.
By closely covering the daily lives and activities of the "passionate people," this 25-minute documentary depicts the charm and real self of an athlete, a performer, a musician, a scholar and many other who are active in the front lines.
Marie Kondo, Organizing Consultant
Author of the best-selling series that has sold over three million copies! What is the essence of the “KonMari Method” that captivates people across the world?
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