
13 Titles

  • NEW
  • Mystery


  • NEW
  • Mystery



The protagonist is an 18-year-old innocent death-row prisoner.
The man who was unable to trust others gradually begins to trust others and open his heart by finding true friendship and love in various places he hides out.
A human drama depicting a long runaway after escaping from a prison to reveal one's true identity.

Japan Release: 2024.11.29

  • NEW
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • Fantasy


  • NEW
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • Fantasy

The Time Without Her


The man lost his memory after losing his beloved wife.
This is his story of finding the meaning of life while traveling in Korea and Japan on his last journey.
Korean man, Eun Tae met Japanese woman, Mai in college and they married and built a family that is filled with happiness.
However, Eun Tae lost his memory from the shock of Mai’s death from a car accident. Unte has lost the reason for living. He went on a journey after finding a photo at home to discover more about it. At the time, he encountered a woman. Who is she?
And then, he was able to discover his beloved wife’s wishes.

  • NEW
  • Mystery


  • NEW
  • Mystery



On the day before the Black Friday sale, a box delivered by a global e-commerce company, explodes.
The box was sent from one of the biggest warehouses, which has the three-quarter logistic shares around Tokyo.
It leads a series of mysterious bombings that terrorize whole of Japan. Elena Funado, who was just appointed as a new director of the warehouse, is forced to control this unprecedented situation with a line manager, Ko Nashimoto.
Who planted the bombs? For what purpose?
How many bombs are left? - And where are they now?
In this modern society, distribution service becomes critical need for our lives and that cannot be stopped.
Can Elena and Ko end the serial bombings without stopping blood flowed in “blood vessel”; the global logistics system like a web?

Japan Release: 2024.8.23

  • NEW
  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Romance


  • NEW
  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Romance

Stolen Identity Final Hacking Game

スマホを落としただけなのに ~最終章~ ファイナル ハッキング ゲーム

Genius hacker and murderer Urano escaped from prison and fled to South Korea.
Urano was hired by a South Korean anti-government organization to set a trap targeted for the Korea-Japan summit meeting.
Sumin is assigned to watch over Urano but is intimidated by his frantic behavior.
Urano distrusts her, but gradually their feelings begin to change a little.

Japan Release: 202411.1

  • Mystery

  • Mystery

Stay Mum


Chisako Satoya, a writer, and her father, Kozo, had a long-standing feud and had been living apart for a long time.
However now that Kozo, who lives alone, has dementia, so she returns to her hometown to begin taking care of him.
One day, she rescues a boy who has lost his memory in an accident and has signs of abuse on his body.
To protect him, she pretends about being his mother and starts living with the boy. Is this lie a sin or love?

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Sci-Fi

  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Sci-Fi

Octo: Mind Investigator Akari Shinno

オクトー感情捜査官 心野朱梨

Octo is a detective drama that fits the current times where crimes with ambiguous motives are increasing. Unlike existing detective stories focusing on finding criminals and working out tricks, Octo spotlights finding motives, the emotions that triggered the crimes.

An eccentric female detective who can see the color of emotions tags along with a failed-elite male detective to identify the criminals. It’s a detective story with completely a new concept.

  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • School Drama

  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • School Drama


Summer when I was 17 years old, I loved someone till my heart is torn off.
Umi is a high school girl who is grew up without parental love. Mysterious phone calls lead her to a naughty student Harukawa, and they rapidly fall in love.
When the truth of the calls is revealed, Umi and Harukawa’s love came to a shocking end.

親からの愛情を知らずに育った女子高校生・有海は、“過去からかかってくる謎の電話” に導かれ、同じ境遇の不良少年・春川と出会い、急速に惹かれあう。
幼児虐待、親族殺し、若者の恋愛離れ、愛の形が見えにくい現代社会に“ 本当の愛“ を問いかける青春恋愛ミステリー

  • Mystery
  • Mystery

The Voice of Sin


35 years have elapsed since the greatest unsolved crime in the postwar era, an incident that involved a threatening phone call captured on tape that featured the “voice of a child.” So where is that child today? The story follows one man who accidentally stumbles upon an old tape recording and discovers that the child's voice belonged to him. But how? Both he and a newspaper reporter separately go in search of answers, gradually uncovering a human drama that plunges them inescapably into a deep, dark mystery.

  • Thriller
  • Mystery

  • Thriller
  • Mystery

Stolen Identity 2

스마트폰을 떨어뜨렸을 뿐인데:붙잡힌 살인귀

In the first movie, Stolen Identity, the loss of a smartphone by a lover leads to the horror of a heroine’s life being targeted, followed by the exposure of a hidden past for a double mystery that resonated deeply with the smartphone generation. Depicting an ever-present danger that could befall anyone in contemporary society, the movie depicts the potential horrors of our social media age where a small detail in our networked society can potentially wreak havoc with people’s daily lives. This sequel ups the ante over its predecessor in scale as it sets the police on a massive cybercriminal hunt.StoryIt’s been several months since the police closed the case on a serial killer who preyed on women with long jet black hair. But then a new unidentified body is discovered at the same crime scene. Police detective Manabu Kagaya hurries to interrogate Yoshiharu Urano, a serial murderer whom he had caught. “Did you do it?” he queries. But the imprisoned Urano will only reveal the existence of a “M”, a dark web mystery man whom he refers to as his master. Meanwhile, Kagaya’s lover, Minori, is being targeted by a mystery man, and Kagaya must make a tough decision to recruit Urano’s assistance.

전작 『스마트폰을 떨어뜨렸을 뿐인데』 는 애인이 떨어뜨린 스마트폰을 계기로 머지않아 목숨이 위태로워진 여주인공의 공포와 숨겨진 과거가 파헤쳐진다는 몇 가지 의문이 겹쳐진 미스터리 작품으로 「스마트폰 세대」 를 중심으로 많은 공감을 불러일으켰다. “누구에게나 일어날 만한 가까이에 있는 공포”를 그려 바로 SNS시대를 대표하는 한편의 영화가 되었다. 사소한 일로 일상이 무너져가는 인터넷 사회의 공포와 함께 속편에서는 경찰 조직과 연루된 사이버범죄가 전작 이상의 스케일로 그려진다.줄거리검은 긴 머리 여성만을 노린 연속 살인사건이 막을 내린 후 몇 개월이 지났다. 같은 사건 현장에서 새로운 신원불명의 사체가 발견된다. 사건을 수사하기 위해 형사 가가야는 예전 자신이 체포한 연속 살인마 우라노를 찾아 형무소를 찾아간다. 「네가 죽였어…?」 라고 묻는 가가야에게 우라노가 밝힌 것은 자신이 스승으로 받든다는 「M」 이라는 다크 웹상에 존재하는 수수께끼 인물의 존재였다. 한편 같을 무렵, 가가야의 애인 미노리를 노리는 수수께끼의 남자가 나타난다. 가가야는 고심 끝에 우라노에게 사건의 수사 협력을 의뢰하기로 결심하게 되는데…


  • Mystery
  • Romance

  • Mystery
  • Romance

The Real Thing


Kuzumichi Tsuji is a “Good man” who has a good reputation for his work. He has casual relations with two women in his workplace, however, he feels kind of bore for dull days without excitement. He has never fallen in love with someone from the bottom of his heart.
One day, he meets a mysterious woman named Ukiyo (means “transitory world”) and saves her life who was about to die in a railroad crossing because of her car’s engine problem. Ukiyo is beautiful, but her off-guard attitude causes lots of problems for other people including Tsuji. Though he notices her troublesome nature, he unconsciously gets involved with her. Gradually Tsuji comes to have a dangerous relationship with underworld figures. Even he loses usual life style, he is willing to save Ukiyo, but that leads him to an even worse situation.

の2人のOLと深い関係にあった。 ある夜、辻は、不思議な雰囲気の女性・葉山浮世の運転するレンタカーが踏み切りで立ち往生し
は解決したが…。 その後、街で浮世と偶然に再会した辻は、浮世がやばいスジからの借金を抱えていることを知る。関わりたくは


  • Mystery
  • Mystery

12 Suicidal Teens


12 teenagers show up at an abandoned hospital. As prescribed, they enter the building, open safe containing, take one of numbered tags from 1 to 12, and head to a "designated place". None of them have ever met before, but all of them in despair with their lives and come up with one common goal: to euthanize themselves. But upon arrival in the room, they find that one young man is already occupying on one of the 12 prepared beds.

Who is he? Was it a suicide? Was it murder? Should they proceed anyway? And is there a murderer amongst them?

According to the preset rules of the gathering, the members must take a vote and unanimously agree to proceed. But the unexpected turn of events compels them to hold a discussion and assess each other to solve the mystery before they can go ahead with their original plan.

In the process, however, the reasons for each of them choosing to die come to light, leading to a final decision. The question is: What is the real purpose of the gathering?


  • Mystery
  • Mystery

The Crimes That Bind


A woman is found strangled to death in an apartment in Tokyo’s Katsushika Ward.
The victim is Michiko Oshitani, a resident of Shiga Prefecture who worked for a home cleaning company.
What’s more, the occupant of the apartment where the murder took place, Mutsuo Koshikawa, has gone missing.
Matsumiya (Junpei Mizobata) and his fellow detectives of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police’s Investigation Section 1 begin investigating, but hit a brick wall when they fail to find any links between Oshitani and Koshikawa.
Why was Oshitani, who lived in Shiga, killed in Tokyo?
Eventually, the detectives’ inquiries lead them to a theater director named Hiromi Asai (Nanako Matsushima).
They learn that Oshitani came to Tokyo to visit her former classmate Asai, but again come up with nothing when searching for connections between Asai and Koshikawa, and their investigation grinds to a halt.
Matsumiya has a hunch that a charred corpse found nearby the murder scene may have some relevance to the case, and subsequently discovers an item among the victim’s belongings with the names of Nihonbashi’s 12 bridges written on it.
When Kyoichiro Kaga (Hiroshi Abe) learns of this, he is deeply shaken.
It is somehow connected to his mother, who died alone...

도쿄 카쓰시카구 코스게에 위치한 아파트에서 여성의 교살사체가 발견된다.
피해자는 하우스 클리닝회사에 근무하는 사카현출신의 오시타니 미치코.
살해현장의 아파트 주민・고시카와 무쓰오도 행방불명이다.
마쓰미야(미조바타 쥰페이)를 포함한 경시청수사제1과의 형사들이 수사에 임하지만,
오시타니 미치코와 고시카와 무쓰오와의 관계가 전혀 발견되지 않고 수사는 난항을 겪 는다.
시가현에 사는 오시타니가 왜 도쿄에서 살해되었는가?
머지않아 수사선상에 떠오른 여성연출가・아사히 히로미(마쓰시마 나나코)
오시타니 미치코가 동창인 아사이 히로미를 만나러 도쿄에 온것을 알게 되지만, 아사 이 히로미와 고시카와 무쓰오와의 관계가 밝혀지지 않은채 수사는 진전을 이루지 못한 다. 마쓰미야는 근처에서 발견된 소사체와의 관련을 의심하며 수사를 이어가고 그 유 품에 니혼바시를 둘러싼 12개의 다리이름이 씌여진것을 발견한다.
그 사실을 알게 된 가가 쿄이치로(아베 히로시)는 몹시 동요한다.
바로 고독사한 쿄이치로의 어머니와 관련이 있기 때문이었다.



  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Art
  • Crime & Investigation
  • Mystery
  • Art

ALL ROUND APPRAISER Q - The Eyes of Mona Lisa -

万能鑑定士Q - モナ・リザの瞳 -

In 2014, after an absence of 40 years, the world’s greatest artistic treasure, the Mona Lisa, again pays a visit to Japan. Asahina, the museum’s Asia Director, is assigned the task of strengthening its guard against the constant threat that the famous painting will be stolen. He recommends the brilliant appraiser Riko Rinda for appointment as a curator. With magazine journalist Yuto Ogasawara in tow, Riko flies to Paris and easily passes the qualifying test. With Misa Ryusenji, who has also qualified, she sets to work studying her new field, but the more she learns about the Mona Lisa the less certain she becomes, and gradually her powers of judgment are affected. Ogasawara, trying to find out what is going on, learns something astonishing about how, 500 years ago, da Vinci painted a puzzle into the Mona Lisa’s eyes. Now a plot emerges around the painting, involving both France and Japan. Will Riko free herself from the Mona Lisa’s curse and bring the case to a happy end?

2014년, 40년만에 미술역사상 유일한 보물이라 불리는「모나리자」가 일본에 오게 된다.
루브르미술관 아시아권 대리인인 아시히나는「모나리자」의 일본도착에 앞서 어떤 사명을 루브르측으로부터 전달받는다. 그것은 끊임없이 노리는「모나리자」를 둘러싼 거대한 음모에 대한 경비강화였다. 아사히나는 천재감정사 린다 리코를 학예원후보로 추천한다. 잡지편집자 오가사와라 유토와 함께 파리로 향한 리코는 당당히 루브르미술관에서 열린 채용시험에 합격한다. 또 한명의 합격자가 된 류센지 미사와 함께 연수에 임하지만「모나리자」에 대해 알면 알수록 신체에 이변이 일어나고 점점 감정의 눈도 이상해지기 시작하는데…. 그 이유를 밝히려고 노력하는 유토는 500년전부터 다빈치가「모나리자」의 눈속에 숨겨놓은 놀라운 사실을 알게 된다. 한편 그 무렵, 일본과 프랑스에서는「모나리자」를 둘러싸고 거대한 음모가 모습을 드러낸다. 과연 린코는「모나리자」의 저주에서 벗어나 어려운 사건을 해쳐나갈 수 있을까?

2014年,翘首期盼的40年美術史上唯一至寶 「蒙娜麗莎」終於登陸日本。