Format scripted

The number of (the)data : 2
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Entertainment

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Entertainment



Yusuke Nogi of Marubishi Corp. is about to seal a solar energy plant deal when he is blamed for a remittance error that sends him to the central Asian republic of Balka to retrieve 13 billion yen or face dismissal. He then nearly dies in a terrorist explosion, but learns the local authorities are hunting him as the bomber suspect! He avoids capture with the help of a mysterious Japanese intelligence agent Nozaki and a female doctor Kaoru, but can Nogi get to safety and recover the money?

대기업 무역회사「마루비시 상사」에 근무하는 노기는 GFL사와 태양에너지 플랜트 사업의 계약을 본격적으로 진행하고 있었다.
그러나, 오송금이 일어나게 되면서 손실의 130억엔을 회수하기 위해 송금처인 발카공화국으로 향한다.
사내에서 노기는 오송금의 범인으로 의심받아 130억엔을 되찾지 못하면 징계해고될 위기에 처하고…!
그런 가운데 폭발에 연루된 노기는 폭파범으로 오인을 받고 발카경찰에게 쫓기는 신세가 된다.
현지에서 만난 공안 형사 노자키와 의사 카오루와 함께 노기는 발카공화국을 탈출하기 위해 동분서주한다….
과연 노기는 130억엔을 되찾을 수 있을까?


  • Action
  • Suspense

  • Action
  • Suspense



An underground group of special investigators, Avalanche tracks down criminals who conspire with government officials to break the law. After collecting evidence using tactics that border on the illegal, Avalanche kidnaps wrongdoers and forces them to confess in a court of their own making: social media livestreams, guaranteeing worldwide exposure over the internet.
The goal: social obliteration of the guilty.
Is Avalanche a group of terrorists, or heroes?
Has justice been served? You decide.
The leader of Avalanche is Yamamori. She knows well the tyranny of power, having been forced into a do-nothing job at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police department, relegated from her former role of investigator at the Cabinet Intelligence and Investigation Office for knowing too much.
On Yamamori’s Avalanche team are a former public security agent, an ex-detective well-versed in machinery and explosives, a legendary hacker, and a military veteran highly skilled in shooting and martial arts.
Each of these outcasts has reasons to resent the authorities in power. Each leverages his or her specialty to crack the cases that official channels not only couldn’t solve, but also covered up.
Avalanche’s ultimate goal — Yamamori’s ultimate goal — is to expose the tyrannical corruption of a man named Oyama. Though officially the ruling government’s deputy chief cabinet secretary, in reality he’s the true power broker behind the scenes.
As Yamamori hones in on Oyama’s inner circle, Oyama tries desperately to crush Avalanche. The two sides creep closer and closer together, each trying to take the other out.
Though Avalanche begins in obscurity, each time they take someone down, their message spreads. In the end, who will the public support — the powerful authorities, or the powerless outlaws?
Who will win—Oyama, or Avalanche?
The hunt is on.