The Formula of Michi & Kiyoshi
Can you believe your loved one as this lady did? This is a story of a legendary math genius, Kiyoshi Oka and his wife Michi. Kiyoshi is born in Osaka. He is eccentric to the extent he prefers wearing long rubber boots even on sunny days, and he dresses wrinkled and shabby business jacket with no tie. Being a wife of an eccentric genius and obsessed mathematician, Michi often faces difficulties to understand what her husband is trying to calculate. Not only that, she has to face family financial issues because Kiyoshi’s theory was not evaluated in Japan’s Math society so easily. But Michi never doubts his gift, passion and pure desire to solve some of the most difficult world math problems. Michi never gives up to support Kiyoshi, and eventually guides him to having acknowledgment from the world and to receiving the Order of Culture in 1960.
Spanning the turbulent decades from the Meiji to early Showa era, this is the story of a woman who turned a local sugar wholesaler into a world-class trading company, and of the man who helped her. Having married into Suzuki Shoten, a Kobe sugar wholesaler, Yone Suzuki lives a stable life as the wife of a businessman, raising her children while clashing with her strict and conservative husband Iwajirou. With her husband’s sudden death, however, Yone’s life changes course completely as she takes the helm of Suzuki Shoten. She receives support and guidance from company employee Naokichi Kaneko, who has overcome an impoverished childhood to reach his present position. Facing all the vicissitudes of their time, Yone and Naokichi turn Suzuki Shoten into Japan’s largest trading company. But after surviving numerous difficulties, the pair are about to meet their greatest trial. Becoming involved in the Rice Riots of 1918, Suzuki Shoten faces a disastrous end.
In the shopping streets of the shitamachi area of Osaka’s Shinsekai, Kazuko is the only daughter of the owners of Ajiyoshi, a local ramen shop. Once run capably by her deceased mother, Ajiyoshi is now her father Kengo’s responsibility. Kengo has no knack for ramen, and business is barely
scraping by. Kazuko, who secretly helps out her father’s business, is herself troubled by her relationship with a superior at work. Kengo is easily swayed by his affection for his dependable daughter, and the two share an awkward but sincere love. Hailing from West Japan and set in the bustling streets of this drama is full of heart, tears and laughter.
Sakura Road, YTV 50th Anniversary SP Drama
さくら道 -読売テレビ開局50年記念ドラマスペシャル-
Cherry blossoms (‘sakura’ in Japanese) are the most familiar and the most popular flower for Japanese people. Yet there is a remarkable and true story about the flowers that is not well known. The 1960s was a period of unprecedented economic growth in Japan. In the midst of this excitement, there was a man who focused his entire life on planting cherry trees. His dream was to plant 300,000 cherry trees, making a “Milky Way” of cherry blossoms on the ground connecting the Sea of Japan with the Pacific Ocean. Everyone around him, including his family, failed to understand his dream. Why on earth did he keep planting cherry trees? He was looking for the meaning of life in the cherry blossoms that show both their strength and grace as time passes. As people living in the 21st century, we can learn from him. An environmental warning - everyday we are reminded of global warming and other environmental problems in newspapers and on television. For 40 years he worried about the environment, and his actions reflect this. We hope everyone will watch this drama about the global environment, and its impact on the 21st century.
Siblings Yoko, Miyako, and Ushio Shibuya from Kamakura are returning from a memorial service for their parents who died in a traffic accident 23 years ago when Miyako suddenly announces she’s moving to Korea. The revelation marks a turning point for the trio as they each try to move on from the happiness they had together to finding individual happiness. As the story shifts from Kamakura to Busan, this heartwarming family drama highlights timeless family values amidst the rapid changes of a new era.
가마쿠라에 사는 시부야 요코, 미야코, 우시오 삼남매는 교통사고로 부모님과 할머니를 한꺼번에 잃었다. 세월은 흘러 23주기 제사를 지내고 귀가하던 길.
미야코가 갑자기「한국에 갈게!」라며 요코와 우시오에게 말한다.
이 고백을 계기로 각인각색의 삼남매에게 “인생”이라는 여로의 분기점이 찾아온다. 지금까지의「세명이 함께하는 행복」에서「각자의 행복」과 맞서가는 요코, 미야코, 우시오.
그리고 이야기는 가마쿠라에서 부산으로!
변해가는 시대 속에서도 보편적으로 존재해가는「가족」을 통해 설렘과 통쾌함, 마지막 에는 한바탕 웃음 짓는 보석과 같은 신시대 홈드라마.
This special drama is set in Obu City, Aichi Prefecture. This is a heartwarming story of a town and a family that is close to those who are suffering, including a grandfather who plays the role of Hamlet in a civic art festival while dealing with mild cognitive impairment, his granddaughter and community members who support him.
Hiroto, a kind and earnest older brother and his autistic younger brother, Michito, led an ordinary life together - until one day, a five-year-old boy appeared at their doorstep claiming to be their nephew. This boy, who refers to himself as “Lion”, says he is the son of Hiroto and Michito’s sister, who they believed was dead. However, she was actually alive only to vanish again, entrusting her young son to the brothers’ care. The trio develop a strong camaraderie as they seek to unravel a thicket of lies and a grand scheme of love, surrounding the mysterious sister.
Ms. Saionji doesn't do Housework
Saionji is a hard-working single woman (38) greatly admired by everyone at her IT company. But one thing she won’t do is housework! Just as she enjoys the freedom of a recently bought dream home and “life without housework,” a handsome young engineer and single father named Kusumi enters her life. When unique circumstances lead to them sharing her home together, an eccentric, fake family dynamic develops, which forces them to confront questions of what constitutes true happiness and family.
When and how do people become “fathers” and “mothers”?
This is a story of family which conveys the message of parental love that is so important in the times we now live in.
During their time at university, Natsu Tsukioka and Mizuki Nagumo ended up going out and life was good for them. However, one day, all of a sudden, Mizuki told Natsu she wanted to break things off, and they went their separate ways. Seven years have passed since then, and Natsu has moved on, when he learns from an old university friend that Mizuki has passed away. The two never met again after she told him it was over, so it still doesn’t feel real to Natsu when he goes to attend the funeral. There he meets a young girl named Umi. Natsu cannot hide his surprise when he learns that the girl is Mizuki’s daughter. Mizuki’s mother also informs him that he is the father. When Natsu learns that Mizuki had given birth to their child without telling him, and she had been raising her alone, he looks back on the seven years Mizuki and Umi spent together...
We bring you a work that carefully depicts the love between people, and the story of a family.
His public face is that of a teacher, but he’s secretly a CEO?!
A comedic school drama that smashes modern common sense is born!
At Eto Private School, Class 3-0 is where the school dumps students with “zero motivation, zero talent, and zero potential for the future.” They are called the Zero Class, and mocked fiercely, but now these bottom-of-the-barrel students have a new homeroom teacher. He is Rei Kagami, a handsome but somewhat unique educator. The common thinking at the school holds no sway with him. This teacher’s financial assets and motivation are off the charts, and that’s because, incredibly, he is the billionaire CEO who inherited of one of Japan’s leading corporate empires. Rei Kagami has been curious and caring from a young age, and that curiosity stayed with him as he matured, even as a more self-centered personality became apparent. He has come to Eto Private School without revealing his identity in order to achieve “a certain objective.” Although he is a superb manager, Kagami Rei’s lack of understanding of what is normal for the common people makes him useless as a teacher, and this leads to friction with his students and the rest of the faculty. How will someone like him, who might as well have come from an entirely different dimension, take on the troubles ailing the Zero Class? What can the students learn from him? And why has he come to the school?
Recently, people have lamented “Do we even need teachers in an age of AI?” Now, a new hero is here to smash that kind of common sense!
A genius meteorologist saves people from natural disasters!
Kiyohara is a researcher with the Japan Meteorological Agency Meteorological Research Institute. With his trademark good looks and refreshing smile, he even makes appearances on the weather program. However, there is another side to Kiyohara, one that you wouldn’t imagine from his outward appearance... He is fighting hard as a member of SDM (Special Disaster Management) to save people from natural disasters caused by the weather. With the abundance of such disasters in recent years, SDM was established as a team under the direct authority of the Cabinet Office with the goal of preventing the expansion of human losses that can result from a slow response. Their leader, Kiyohara, is a genius at meteorology. He is able to use his natural intelligence and his sense of the raw weather on the ground to analyze vast quantities of weather data from a multitude of angles. Even in tense situations where lives are at stake, he is able to stay one step ahead of things. However, his sharp tongue can sometimes earn him the enmity of those around him... Even so, Kiyohara’s passion for saving lives and his diligence eventually win over his teammates, and he builds the ultimate SDM team with those who sympathize with him. But there is also a mystery Kiyohara has been pursuing all this time... He was driven to save people using meteorology because of the death of the one he loved most. Therein lies the story’s greatest mystery, and it will be unveiled over the course of the series!
居酒屋新干线 S2
This story is about a businessman who goes on a business trip in other regions, not only buying a train meal, but also finding delicious food and drinks unique to the region to take out after work.
He partakes in the food on the bullet train as he goes home, sharing it on social media in this food drama series.
For the people who love traveling the world, pubs, alcohol, and food, we present to you the infinitely expansive world of food again.
Ever since gifted conductor Natsume’s wife and daughter left him five years ago, he has isolated himself from the music scene. Then one day, he decides to return to Japan for the first time in decades to conduct a small town orchestra and return to his estranged daughter, Hibiki, who loathes him and his music. Now he must try to thaw a relationship with his daughter frozen in time for five years, and learn to be a father.
천재 지휘자 나쓰메였지만 5년 전에 일어난 “어떤 사건”을 계기로 가족과 음악도 잃었다….
나쓰메는 음악업계를 떠나있었지만 일본의 지방 오케스트라에서 지휘를 하기 위해 수십 년 만에 귀국한다.
그런 아버지를 거절하고 음악을 싫어하는 딸 히비키는 아버지의 갑작스러운 귀국에 의해 어색한 동거 생활이 시작되는데…
세계적 천재 지휘자인 그가 어째서 사랑하는 음악 세계를 떠나게 된 것일까?
천재이기 때문에 딸의 마음을 알지 못하는 나쓰메가 아버지로서 다시 한번 딸과 마주하면서 5년 전부터 시간이 멈춰진 “딸의 인생”을 조금씩 움직여간다.
Stepmom and Daughter Blues FINAL(2024)
義母と娘のブルース FINAL~2024年謹賀新年SP~
Stepmom Akiko grows concerned when daughter Miyuki, who is about to graduate from college, seems content to work part-time at Bakery Mugita without looking for a “real” job. After Akiko lectures Miyuki about her tardiness to job-hunting, they begin researching companies together. But no sooner do they start when Miyuki drops a bombshell. “I want to get married!” sending Akiko and everyone including bakery owner Mugita into a frenzy.
어느 날, 아키코는「베이커리 무기타」에서 아르바이트를 하면서 대학을 다니는 딸 미유키가 졸업을 목전에 두고도 취업활동을 하지 않는 것을 눈치챈다.
「이대로 무기타의 아르바이트로 살지 그러니?」라고 내뱉고 완전히 뒤처져버린 것에 반성하지 않는 미유키에게 아키코는 단기간의 맹훈련과 이인삼각의 취업 준비를 개시한다.
외동딸의 독립시키고자 분투하는 아키코의 모습에 미유키도 자신의 장래를 진지하게 생각하기 시작한다.
취업활동을 개시한 미유키였지만, 갑자기「결혼하고 싶어!」라는 충격적인 한마디를 내뱉는다.
미유키의 결혼 선언으로 무기타 점장도 연류시키는 큰 소동이 일어나는데!
Can a once-famous actor make a successful comeback?!
Daigoro Atsumori was a great actor, formerly known as “the king of two-hour suspense”. However, as time passes, TV stations no longer make two-hour dramas, and now he hasn’t had a role for more than one year.
One day there comes a woman in front of him. Yukari Yoshida used to work for a major talent agency as a competent manager. She returns to her job as his manager after she was forced out of the industry for some reason seven years ago.
“I will definitely make you comeback!”
While being swayed by bigoted and outdated Atsumori, she gets jobs for him one after another with her enthusiasm.
Will he ever be able to become “king” once again?
This is a human comedy about a man struggling to start over in life.
Is it a love story, a mystery, a human drama, or a social drama? The decision is yours.
Twenty-eight-year-old Sui Kurome is an almost stay-at-home housekeeper who lives with her manga artist father, Joji. Ten years had passed since she locked herself away in her room when Joji’s serialization of his work was discontinued. Joji pleads with his editor, Kumi, "I’ll do anything to make a living." Kumi proposes a collaboration in which Kumon, a best-selling author, writes the original story, and Joji takes charge of the artwork. The genre is an intense and pure love story. Kumon offers one condition: Sui is the model for the main character.
A strict but loving Grandma solves a myriad of issues for the people around her!
Miki Doumeki lives in a small rural village surrounded by abundant nature and beautiful scenery. After becoming a widow at an early age, she’s spent many years working as a leader in her village. A handsome, intelligent woman in her 70s, she’s incredibly spry, with perfect posture.
Whenever a problem arises, her neighbors all rush to Miki for advice.
When faced with two bickering villagers:
“Your plum tree is ruining my view!”
“Well, your cherry blossom tree is an eyesore, too!” Miki’s response is simple.
“Then, I’ll cut down both of your trees!” Strangely enough, after being reminded of how joyful it is to watch the seasons change through the blossoming of different trees, both neighbors cease their arguing and calm down.
One spring, Miki’s son moves himself and his family back to the village after living in the city and she comes face to face with her 6 year old granddaughter, Ako. Despite Miki’s severe personality and intimidating presence, the little girl seems intent on befriending her...
Three Japan Academy Award winners co-starring‼
Old apartment complexes, rented houses in the suburbs, and cabs running empty through the city. There is nothing special to note about these ordinary scenes, which have been left behind by the times, have lost their liveliness, and are somewhat lonely. However, looking closely behind each window, there is life with various circumstances. A daughter working part-time to support her disabled mother; a woman who has been cut off from her family and continues to work as a cab driver in search of pleasure in her dull days; a granddaughter living in a rented house with her grandmother because of a bad relationship with her parents and continues to work at a factory with her grandma. The three, who live far apart and do not even know each other exists, have a fateful encounter through a radio program. The three women are confused by each other. Still, as they begin to connect, a “miracle” occurs… and the lives of the three people, who had been stuck in their aimless lives, quietly begin to move forward.
The joy of spending money wisely! An unlikely family “money” drama!
24 year-old Miho lives alone in a stylish part of Tokyo. It’s been a year since she started work, but she’s not started saving for the future at all, spending her hard-earned money on fashion and food, only focused on having fun and living in the moment.
Until one day, a senior coworker at her company suddenly falls ill and retires. This leaves Miho reeling, suddenly worried for her own future.
At the same time, Miho's grandmother worked hard, saving to increase her husband's inheritance eventually reaching her target amount, but has now lost motivation and lives a dull life. In addition, Miho’s mother is stuck in an unpleasant marriage with her taciturn husband but can’t file for divorce as she has no personal savings.
Three generations of women, facing their own worries in life, begin to seriously consider why they are saving money, and what they are saving for, whilst striving to achieve their dreams.
An oddball family drama about everyday life and how “money” affects it.
One day, your husband transforms into a woman...?
This drama explores the many differences of life, love and relationships can change in a world where peoples bodies can spontaneously alter sex!
Akira is a 30-year-old salaryman married to novelist Sonoko. After five years of marriage things between them have cooled and now they barely speak.
One evening Akira is suddenly struck with an unbearable headache and, after being taken to the hospital, is told his illness is life-threatening. At the same time, a strange change starts to take over Akira’s body. The Akira who walks out of the operating theater has transformed into a woman!
It turns out Akira has a rare medical condition known as “Sex Altering Syndrome” which can cause a sudden change in biological sex among humans. After receiving this diagnosis, Akira receives a “Altered Sex Certificate” and begins life as a man inside a female body.
Learning to use makeup, wearing a bra, Akira faces a steep learning curve in his first days living as a woman. After returning to work a few days later he encounters even more troubles. A client of his jokes that he can “touch boobs as much as he wants”, he’s even groped in an elevator, Akira begins to understand the daily struggles of life for women. Akira begins seeing the clear differences between perspectives of men and women after his transformation. Not only that, but for some reason he’s started feeling flustered around his helpful boss, is the transformation having more effect on him than he’d thought?
What awaits Akira now, as he begins to question what his real identity is?!
Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter (2022)
A high school girl, Koume, and her working stiff father, Kyoichiro, wake up one day after a traffic accident to find they have switched bodies. The two had been drifting apart, but are now thrown into each other’s lives. Kyoichiro, for example, shows no interest in Koume’s love interest, a classmate named Kenta. Ironically, however, Kenta finds himself more attracted to Koume ever since the swap. There’s plenty of hijinks in this bizarre love triangule style romcom!
요즘 시대의 여고생 고우메와 평범한 샐러리맨에 완고한 아빠 쿄이치로.
예전에는 사이가 좋았던 부녀였지만 요 몇 년간 서먹한 관계이다.
어느 날, 짝사랑 중이던 겐타 선배의 데이트 신청에 감격해하는 고우메는 쿄이치로와 함께
사고를 당하고 눈을 떠보니 아빠와 딸의 몸과 정신이 바뀌어 있었다…!
고우메의 모습이 된 아빠는 겐타의 접근을 차단 시키려 하지만 작전은 모두 엉뚱하게
겐타와 사귀고 싶은 고우메, 딸을 뺏기고 싶지 않은 쿄이치로, 고우메보다 쿄이치로의
성격에 끌리는 겐타의 “아빠와 딸과 남자친구”의 기묘한 삼각관계 러브 코미디!
What would you do if one day the person you love is diagnosed with a developmental disability? The heartwarming tale of what happiness looks like for one married couple.
Chika, who works in retail, and manga artists assistant Satoru get married and start living together. Bubbly, excitable Chika and laidback, easygoing Satoru start their newlywed life, laughing at each other's antics and enjoying their cozy, happy life. But gradually, Satoru starts to feel concerned about Chika: the apartment is a mess, she keeps forgetting her promises, is this some form of harassment?
Returning from work one day, Satoru finds Chika extremely upset after having been fired from her job. Wondering aloud why she can’t do “normal” things like everyone else; Chika has a revelation: “I think I have a developmental disability...”
Facing struggles beyond their control, Chika and Satoru begin to update their version of "normal" through trial and error. As they change, the people around them also begin to gradually change. A love story following two people who keep positively moving forward, learning to live with the realities of developmental disability.
Haruto is a young businessman whose game company struck it rich, giving him a fancy suburban home, a beautiful wife, Michiru, and a grade school daughter. But when the daughter is taken in a serial kidnapping, Haruto reassesses his priorities. Confronted with a series of challenges and revelations about people, he and Michiru fight to get their daughter back the only way they can: by themselves, in this non-stop thriller about family bonds under the most trying of circumstances.
창업한 회사가 크게 성공하여 부와 명예를 손에 넣은 게임회사 사장 하루토.
가마쿠라에 집을 짓고 아내 미치루, 초등학생 딸과 사생활도 행복하다.
그런 어느 날, 딸이 연속 유과 사건에 휘말리게 된다.
소중한 것을 잃으면서 직면하는 수많은 시련, 그리고 밝혀지는 다양한 인간 군상들.
사랑하는 딸을 되찾기 위한 유일한 방법은 경찰을 배제하고 아내와 힘을 모아 유괴범과 싸워가는 것. 인생 최악의 사태에 휩쓸린 가족의 사랑이 시험에 놓이는 논스톱 패밀리 엔터테인먼트!
Kyoka is perfectly happy being single as is her father, Rintaro, a forlorn widower who lost his beloved wife, Yoko, to cancer. One day as the two clean house, they stumble upon a divorce form signed by Yoko. Shocked and reflecting on this revelation, Rintaro at age 63 decides it’s time to start over and find himself a life partner. And he challenges Kyoka to do the same. The race to wedding bells is on! in this love story about modern family growth and renewal.
“혼자라도 행복하게 살면 돼”라며 결혼 생각이 없는 요가 강사 쿄카.
쿄카의 아버지 린타로는 오랜 결혼생활을 함께 한 아내 요코의 갑작스러운 사망으로 완전히 의기소침한 상태였다.
두 사람은 어느 날 유품정리를 하다 사망한 엄마 요코의 이름이 적힌 이혼서류를 발견한다.
죽은 아내로부터의“이혼서류”라는 인생 최대의 충격을 받은 린타로는 63세에 제2의 인생 파트너 찾기를 도전하기로 결심한다!
「현대 가족의 성장과 재도전」을 그린 러브스토리!
Tsuyoshi “Nanba,” the second son of a hardcore family of delinquents, enrolls at an ordinary high school secretly from his parents, simply because he wants to “stop being a delinquent” and just be a “normal student.”
He begins a double life. As a hardcore delinquent who wears a gangster trench coat in front of his family, and as a serious student in school uniform. While he starts out as an honor student who joins the art club, he can't turn a blind eye to his friend who is getting bullied. He is forced to put on his gangster trench coat to save him, but this in turn leads him to be rumored as one of the strongest delinquents around whose identity remains shrouded in mystery…
Sato Shinohara is a woman who grew up in a downtown area where she and her mother run a local diner. Mentally strong with a cheerful personality, she is the poster girl of the diner and is dearly loved by the regular customers.
One day, Kenta Miyama, the guy she is dating, proposes to her and she accepts. Although the Miyama family is fiercely opposed to their marriage because of the disparity in their status, she believes in her rustic boyfriend and marries into the family. At first, she is not convinced by the old-fashioned customs of the family, so typical of high society. However, after she finds out that Kenta has a wish in his heart to "make the family a normal one," she decides to challenge through…
Close Tail -Detective Academy-
クロステイル ~探偵教室~
Tailing, bugging, stakeouts...this riveting human drama realistically portrays the work of private detectives, charting the growth of a group of trainee detectives.
University student Tasuku graduates from university without a career path planned.
Returning home, he finds his father Jinpei has abandoned him, leaving behind a letter reading: “Congratulations on your graduation! I’m graduating from being your father!”
Once a best-selling mystery author, Jinpei blew his entire fortune, leaving behind only mountains of debt. With no evidence of foul play, the police refuse to investigate his father’s disappearance, and Tasuku eventually ends up at “Joker Detective Agency” after finding their business card in one of Jinpei’s novels.
Unfortunately, the cost of investigating the disappearance is far beyond Tasuku’s means.
Troubled, Tasuku’s eye’s fall on a poster looking for new students at a school for detectives. He makes the decision to become a professional detective and search for his father himself.
One day, whilst practicing tailing a suspect, he gets sidetracked saving an old woman and loses his mark. He’s later reprimanded by his teacher who tells him “90% of a private detective’s job is to investigate affairs, uncover people’s secrets and weaknesses. Being resented by people is par for the course! If you want to be a good person, this job isn’t for you.”
Compared to the heroic detectives in his father’s book, the reality of the job comes as a sharp shock to Tasuku. On top of this, the classmates he has to work with are an overwhelmingly eclectic mix of people from different ages and backgrounds, leading them into unforeseen trouble on almost every case. At this rate, will Tasuku ever become a full-fledged detective?
Stepmom and Daughter Blues SPECIAL(2022)
義母と娘のブルース 2022年謹賀新年スペシャル
Company worker Akiko finds that a business she helped to revive has been taken over by a vulture capitalist, Ryoji, who looks identical to her deceased husband. When Ryoji’s next acquisition turns out to be a beloved bakery, Akiko suspects an ulterior motive and vows to resist. Caught between hatred of vulture capitalists and budding feelings toward her new boss, Akiko finds support from her stepdaughter, Miyuki, who is dedicated to looking out for her stepmom in this heartwarming drama.
의붓 엄마 아키코의 수완에 의해 재건을 보이고 있던 기업 골딕이 기업사냥으로 인수를당한다.
그곳에 나타난 새로운 오너, 외국계 펀드의 보스 료지는 세상을 떠난 남편 료이치를너무나도 닮았다!
료지가 다음 매수의 표적으로 삼고 있는 것은 바로 베이커리 무기타.
영업부장인 아키코는 뭔가 내막이 있는듯한 료지의 제안을 거절하지만 남편을 쏙 빼닮은그를 보며 복잡한 감정과 함께 기업 인수를 당한 복수의 마음으로 흔들린다….
그런 의붓 엄마를 딸 미유키는 성장한 어른의 시선으로 지켜본다.
의붓 엄마와 딸, 두 사람을 지켜주는 사람들의 사랑이 담긴 이야기!
If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student.
Since losing his beloved wife 10 years ago, Keisuke vows to never remarry. He wants happiness for his only daughter, Mai, but struggles to make a good living and their communication suffers. That is until the appearance before them of a mysterious young girl carrying a schoolbag who claims to be Keisuke’s wife. Reincarnation? An offbeat family life ensues comprised of devoted husband Keisuke, his former wife (now a grade schooler) and a daughter who won’t grow up.
케이스케는 10년 전 사랑하는 아내 타카에를 잃은 후 아내가 없는 남은 인생을 “여생” 이라 생각하며 살아가는 애처가.
외동딸 마이의 행복을 누구보다 바라고 있지만 생활비를 버는 것 이외에 아무것도 해줄 수 없는 것에 괴로워 제대로 마음을 표현하지 못한다.
그런 부녀 앞에 어느 날 책가방을 맨 낯선 여자아이가 찾아온다.
「나는 10년 전에 죽은 당신의 아내에요.」
사랑하는 아내가 초등학생 모습으로 나타났다!?
애처가 남편과 아내 (외모는 초등학생), 그리고 어른이 되지 못하는 딸, 조금은 색다른 가족 재생 스토리가 시작된다!
GOSSIP - #What she wants to know
ゴシップ #彼女が知りたい本当の○○
Ririko Seko is transferred from the accounting department to save an online news website from closure. This website run by a major publishing company, is led by a “laissez-faire” chief editor, with most of the employees comprising of an all-male editorial team, which only publishes articles based on circulated information that are simply copied and pasted from other companies’ news, blog articles and comments.
One day, for some particular reason, Ririko joins as a new member of this team…
A slapstick that could happen in any family...with a deep, abiding love at its heart!
Stubborn Gentaro Ito lives with his wife, Chizuru, in an old home in the earthy heart of Tokyo. The two have three daughters. The second oldest, Rika, lives in Osaka, married to Daisuke, a banker. The youngest daughter, Mika, has a clerical job in a food company. She lived on her own in an apartment, spending most nights together with Yuji, an aspiring manga artist. However, with Yuji showing no prospects of ever achieving success, Mika decides to break things off, ridding her life of clutter. Yuka, the oldest daughter, has an important position in an advertising agency. She has no idea that the man she is dating is already married. When Gentaro finds out about the situation, he explodes. He forbids her to live on her own, so Yuka moves back to her family home to live with her parents. Then Rika and her husband have a fight, so Rika comes back to the family home as well.
One day, Gentaro meets an attractive but overweight man, Omori, and the two immediately hit it off. He dreams about how much better things would be if his daughters were married to someone like Omori. He brings Omori home with him and introduces Omori to his daughters. However, as it turns out, Omori is Yuka's ex, who she broke up with saying, "I just can't date someone who's ugly. Looks are important, too!"
Throughout Japan, there are many delicious foods and drinks full of originality.The shinkansen seat table becomes a personal izakaya (Japanese-style pub) with infinite possibilities!
COVID-19 has made many menu items from famous restaurants available for takeout.Now comes a totally new kind of gourmet drama series full of information viewers want to know!
A company employee returning from business trips to various regions of the country finds takeout train station box meals and delicious foods and drinks for his shinkansen train ride home.He shares his experiences on social media as he enjoys his food.
It is a drama series that brings the infinitely expanding world of food to people everywhere who love travel, love izakaya,
and who love to eat and drink.
Death is a fickle thing that can come at any moment... In a narrow dimension bridging the world of the living with that of the dead called the “Other Side of Farewell,” a certain man awaits the souls of the people who passed away. Seemingly aloof, he makes them an offer. All the people whose souls found their way to the “Other Side of Farewell” are given an opportunity to say their goodbyes to one person before they have to move on 24 hours later. However, there’s one condition... That person cannot be aware that they’re dead yet. Parents and their children, married couples, people who hold feelings for each other... See how Fumie Mizuhashi, one of Japan’s most prominent TV and film writers in the human drama genre, along with Yoshihiro Fukagawa, a director of many touching films, weave bittersweet yet heartwarming stories of love.
A short series starring KUMAMON.
Kumamon is the new boss of a PR company in Kumamoto. Kumamon’s employees have various problems in their work and In their lives. Kumamon empathizes with their' troubles and solves them all!
The hit series starring Masataka Kubota makes a return for the second season!
Iori Igarashi is a medical radiographer, who is also known as a "hero behind the scences," uses unconventional methods and breaks the mold of academia to find the cause of illnesses and diagnose "invisible diseases" with X-rays and CT.
And joining Iori once again, is An Amakasu, the daughter of the former director of 'Amakasu General Hospital' who secretly has feelings for Iori...
我が家の夏 リバー・サイド・ファミリー
Toyota City in Aichi Prefecture is home to the headquarters of Toyota Motor Corporation. Whilst leading the world as a center of manufacturing, the city is mostly peaceful countryside, with 70% of its area taken up by forests, and the clear Yahagi River running throughout.
Akari, a university student living in Tokyo, returns to her family home in Toyota City for the summer holidays to tell them about the job offer she has received. However, upon returning home she is shocked to receive news that the offer has been cancelled. On top of this she learns that her beloved grandma is suffering from dementia and Akari begins to bitterly regret not returning home more often.
At the same time, her childhood friend Yutaka, who has taken over his families peach orchard, proposes to her out of the blue. Despite trying to find a job in Tokyo, Akari has yet to discover what she really wants to do with her life and is feeling unsure about her future. Then one day, her dementia-stricken grandma goes missing...
A comical and heart-warming tale about the importance of family and overcoming adversity with a smile.