Kyujuro Fukakusa, who works at a small teahouse run by his kind-hearted father Shichiya, lives a modest but honest life. However, one fateful night, Shichiya is killed by Gengo Shonai, a Choshu samurai, for sheltering a pro-shogunate samurai who sought refuge at their shop.
Determined to revenge against Shonai, Kyujuro decides to take an examination to join the Mibu Roshigumi. However, he meets only skilled and talented swordmen, and he is unable to even hold a sword, nor beat any of them. Still unable to give up, Kyujuro is ordered by Soji Okita to match up against Daisaku Kamagiri, the exceptional swordsman who stands out from the rest of the applicants.
After a grueling battle, Daisaku and Kyujuro are allowed to join the Mibu Roshigumi. They form a deep bond of friendship, but as the era's tide of change sweeps over them, they are caught in a tragic destiny that forces them to confront each other in a fight to the death.
12th century, Japan. Charismatic leader Minamoto no Yoritomo founds the Kamakura Shogunate, shifting the political powerbase from Kyoto to the east. Behind this military feat are thirteen vassals. But after the superstar shogun's death, a fierce power struggle erupts. The one out of the Thirteen who emerges on top is Hojo Yoshitoki, the youngest of them all. How did this young samurai, who started with no such ambitions, become the greatest warrior in the country? It's a ruthless game of intrigue in the new capital Kamakura -- Yoshitoki must play his cards carefully.
The Beast of Peace shall reign
In the 16th century, Japan was still fragmented and at war, with famed warlords wrestling for land and power. Akechi Mitsuhide is born into this world as heir to a minor lord. But as he is groomed to become a military commander, Mitsuhide yearns for nothing but peace. One day during his travels to Kyoto, the words of a young girl move him deeply: when is the Kirin coming? Kirin was the divine creature from Chinese mythology that brings peace on earth. As he strives for a world upon which the Kirin would descend, young Mitsuhide grows to become a hero in his own right.
Starring Kenichi Matsuyama & Directed by Yu Irie!
Based on the comic “FUTAGASHIRA” by Natsume Ono.
A ransackingly entertaining historical piece filled with the slick tricks and thrilling deceptions of a band of thieves.
Yae's Sakura (Japanese Title : 大河ドラマ「八重の桜」)
Sometimes following her dreams means breaking the rules.
NHK's famed Taiga drama series continues with the historical tale of Japanese heroine, Yae Niijima (1845-1932). Since Yae was from the Aizu Domain, which included the present-day Fukushima Prefecture, it is hoped that this tale of triumph over hardship will inspire the people of Fukushima during their earthquake and tsunami recovery effort, and keep the nation focused on supporting them.
"Rules are rules" is what Yae Yamamoto (later Niijima) often hears in childhood, and it echoes throughout her life. But some rules don't accommodate an independent-minded woman. Always a tomboy at heart, the young gunslinger, Yae, leads 500 other women in the fight to defend the Aizu Domain during the Boshin War. While their efforts are in vain, her drive for success is undiminished, and she goes on to lead an unusual life for a woman of her time.
Calling on an inner strength after the destruction of her beloved Aizu, she starts the next chapter of her life with study in Kyoto. While there, she realizes the importance of women's education, and she and her husband, the famous educator Jo Niijima, establish a Christian university.
Finally, Yae feels the call to serve once again during the first Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War where she works as a front-line nurse -- until then, an unheard-of role for Japanese women. As Yae dedicates her life to assisting others, she blossoms into a role model for modern women everywhere.
"Even if this way is a thorny path, this is my choice. I’ll regret nothing.”
Kiyoko Ranman is a story about a lady who keeps acting with pride as a daughter of Samurai family and her faithful love with her childhood friend.
It’s 1895 and Japan is riding high on the country’s recent victory in the Sino-Japanese War. Though raised by her parents and grandmother to take special pride in her warrior ancestry, Kudo Kiyoko, the daughter of a family of former samurai, lives a modest life. Kiyoko’s childhood friend Arima Sota is a doctor who has watched over her since she was born. The two were raised like brother and sister.
But when Kiyoko’s father is arrested and falsely imprisoned in an embezzlement case, everything is suddenly turned upside down. Labeled the daughter of a corrupt teacher, Kiyoko and her family are forced to take drastic measures. Arima bows his head and asks the wealthy merchant Shibusawa Yahiko for financial assistance to save the family. No one could ever have imagined that this action would change Kiyoko’s future in such a drastic way.
This tale of “love and pride” hinges on a daughter of samurai who lived in the Meiji Period, her childhood friend whose love for her is unending, and a business tycoon who is a rank amateur when it comes to matters of romance.
Please check the official site.
Two years have passed since Jin slipped through a time warp and landed in the Edo period at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate’s reign. Worried about the state of depression into which Saki has fallen, Jin pays a visit to her native home when it is revealed that her mother, Ei has been stricken with beriberi disease. According to her elder brother Kyotaro, Saki had come home to urge her mother to see a doctor only to be sent away without even being allowed in the home as Ei had not yet forgiven Saki for previously breaking off an arranged marriage proposal. In hopes of somehow saving Ei, Jin comes up with a scheme to administer medicine-laced sweets, for which Ei has a weakness.
시대를 초월해 미나카타 진이 막부의 에도시대로 타임슬립한후 2년쯤 지난 어느날.
상심한 사키의 모습이 마음에 걸려 사키의 집을 찾아간 진은 사키의 오빠 쿄타로로 부터 사키의 어머니 에이가 각기병이란 사실을 듣게된다. 어머니를 걱정한 사키가 집으로 찾아와 의사에게 진찰을 받으라 권하지만 혼담을 깬 사키를 용서할 수 없었 던 에이는 사키가 집안으로 들어서는 것도 용납않은채 그녀를 내쫓았다. 어떻게해 서든지 에이를 치료하고 싶은 진은 단음식을 좋아한다는 에이를 위해 과자를 준비 해 각기병치료를 하려고 하지만….
穿越時空而迷失在幕府的江戶時代已經有兩年了的「南方仁」,這一天, 因為擔心失落的「咲」來到了她老家探訪,從其兄「恭太郎」那兒得知咲的母親榮患有腳氣病。根據恭太郎的敘述,數日前咲因為擔心母親的病情而去拜訪了橘家,建議請大夫過來診斷,但由於當初咲逕自取消婚事,至今榮未能原諒咲甚至連她擅自前來腳跨橘家的門檻都無法接受,最後把她逐出了門外。無論如何,想救治榮的仁,為了偏愛甜食的榮想出了用一種甜點作成的偏方,來治療她的腳氣病,但…。