
Japan Content Showcase 2016
Thank you for your participation!

The Japan Content Showcase (JCS) 2016 has successfully ended. This year, JCS expanded its venue to Daiba and Shibuya for 4 days. TIFFCOM/TIAF were held at the hotel Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba and the TIMM venue was at the Shibuya Excel Hotel Tokyu. JCS showcased diverse programs, such as seminars, events and parties, which provided beneficial business opportunities for expanding attendees’ networks.

JCS had a record-breaking total of 356 exhibitors from 20 countries and regions, and 1,539 buyers from 49 countries registered, the highest-record to date. JCS opened with a series of events, including business meetings, pitch sessions, seminars, movie screenings, and networking parties, at the Daiba venue, while a variety of events, including the TIMM Linked Live, were held in Shibuya.

Similar to previous years, 27 seminars and events regarding genres such as music, film, and animation were held. Among these, the seminar on VR (Virtual Reality), one of the hottest trends in the industry, and the seminar on the Chinese market by China’s top producers were especially well-received. In addition, pitching sessions and matching events were actively held with enthusiasm from the participants and business partners alike. At the market screening, there were a total of 29 films featured, 4 offcial films were screened at the 29th Tokyo International Film Festival. At the TIMM Linked Live , a total of 18 artists and groups performed for 3 days, capturing the attention of both the audience and buyers.