Format scripted

The number of (the)data : 4
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Entertainment

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Entertainment



Yusuke Nogi of Marubishi Corp. is about to seal a solar energy plant deal when he is blamed for a remittance error that sends him to the central Asian republic of Balka to retrieve 13 billion yen or face dismissal. He then nearly dies in a terrorist explosion, but learns the local authorities are hunting him as the bomber suspect! He avoids capture with the help of a mysterious Japanese intelligence agent Nozaki and a female doctor Kaoru, but can Nogi get to safety and recover the money?

대기업 무역회사「마루비시 상사」에 근무하는 노기는 GFL사와 태양에너지 플랜트 사업의 계약을 본격적으로 진행하고 있었다.
그러나, 오송금이 일어나게 되면서 손실의 130억엔을 회수하기 위해 송금처인 발카공화국으로 향한다.
사내에서 노기는 오송금의 범인으로 의심받아 130억엔을 되찾지 못하면 징계해고될 위기에 처하고…!
그런 가운데 폭발에 연루된 노기는 폭파범으로 오인을 받고 발카경찰에게 쫓기는 신세가 된다.
현지에서 만난 공안 형사 노자키와 의사 카오루와 함께 노기는 발카공화국을 탈출하기 위해 동분서주한다….
과연 노기는 130억엔을 되찾을 수 있을까?


  • Human
  • Adventure
  • Entertainment
  • Human
  • Adventure
  • Entertainment

Pending Train

ペンディングトレイン―8時23分、明日 君と

It begins as any other day with commuters and passengers catching the 8:23 train. That is, until one train car suddenly warps into a wormhole and lands in a devastated future world. Without smartphones or social media, the passengers must confront extraordinary and extreme conditions. Mere strangers yesterday, they must face their worst fears and instincts for survival, deception, and love as they fight to get back home in this exploration of how people deal with unprecedented events.

  • Detective
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Entertainment
  • Detective
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Entertainment

The Last Man: The Blind Profiler


Hiromi Minami is a US FBI agent on temporary loan to Japan. He’s blind but dubbed “the last man" for his ability to crack tough cases with keen analysis and honed senses. Shintaro Godo is a field cop with a top arrest record who shuns his pedigree as police commissioner’s son. The two make for a highly mismatched pair, but there’s more to their partnership than meets the eye. A police conspiracy? A link to a mysterious past? Strap in for a suspenseful adventure by this odd pair of detectives.

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • For Women
  • Reality
  • Drama (Series)

  • Comedy
  • Romance
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking
  • For Women
  • Reality
  • Drama (Series)

Wine, Dine and Woo Me


'Megumi Kanbayashi has been a freelance writer for five years. As a just-turned-30 single woman, she is beginning to feel the pangs of marriage anxiety. One day, Megumi’s editor brings her an idea for a series to be offered on the internet. It’s a novel premise - advertise for a single male looking for a relationship; then he picks a restaurant for a blind date during which “he woos her over a meal.” Megumi loves the idea of a free, delicious meal and seizes the opportunity. And so begins the search for candidates for “Wine, Dine and Woo Me” column series! Here is a delightful comedy-cum-food show which follows Megumi on various dinner dates as she searches for love and the ideal mate. Actual restaurants in Tokyo are featured in every episode and the latest news about them are posted on the series’ Website.
