Program List

The number of (the)data : 2
  • Romance

  • Romance

We are Too Clumsy About Love


4 young men and women find real themselves through friendship, jealousy, betrayal, conflict.
A love story for all those that are bad at love!

Hana and Mizuki are best friends since elementary school.
Hana was cheated on by her ex-boyfriend and decided to go on a trip with Mizuki to heal her broken heart. There, they met 2 guys, Narita and Ayumu.
Right after they met, Narita scolds Hana with a fair argument. Hana repels at first but starts to realize that all the bad things that had happened to her are because she cannot tell people what she really feels. She starts trying to change herself.
Meanwhile, Mizuki has always been protecting Hana from the bullies. She has been Hana’s best friend for so long, but deep down, Mizuki is jealous of Hana. Whenever she has a crush on a guy, the guy always asks Mizuki to introduce Hana. Mizuki has a strong desire to be loved. She decides to get close to Ayumu and…!
This is a love story between 4 very different people who are clumsy about love.

  • Comedy
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

  • Comedy
  • Entertainment
  • Travel
  • Food/Cooking

Udo-chan’s Trip Special 2019

旅ゴメ特別編 冬の長良川鉄道 答エハナクトモ旅ハ流ルル

Udo-chan travels around Mino city in Gifu prefecture with a popular Japanese actor, Koji Yamamoto, and a former member of AKB48, Kayo Noro. They take a train on Nagara-gawa line and walk around wherever they wish.
Mino city is famous for some traditional craft; one of them is edged tools like “Katana” sword. At first, they visit a cutlery museum and try blade shaping there. After having lunch at a café they found on the way to a station, they go to a famous place –a group of traditional buildings preserved for over 400 years. In the Edo era, there was a unique construction style of roofs called “Udatsu.” They visit a sake-factory and a museum for lanterns made by “Washi” paper which is originally manufactured in Mino city. Then they visit a 1300-year-old shrine and find a strange sign on the map which marks a tree named “What tree?”

新春恒例!旅してゴメン特別編SP「冬の長良川鉄道」!ゲストに多芸多才な俳優・山本耕史さんと元AKB48メンバー野呂佳代さんを迎えガタンゴトンと自由気ままにぶっつけ本番!行き当たりばったりのリアル旅♪ 情緒あふれる町並みに癒されて思わず本音トーク!プライベート発言も満載!旅にはナゾがつきもの?果たして解明はできるのか?