
The number of (the)data : 24
  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery

  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery

Stay Mum


Chisako Satoya, a writer, and her father, Kozo, had a long-standing feud and had been living apart for a long time.
However now that Kozo, who lives alone, has dementia, so she returns to her hometown to begin taking care of him.
One day, she rescues a boy who has lost his memory in an accident and has signs of abuse on his body.
To protect him, she pretends about being his mother and starts living with the boy. Is this lie a sin or love?

  • Human
  • Human

Rude to Love


Having or not having a spouse, children, or a job. Women today have the “freedom to choose the lives they want”; and yet, they are divided by various social factors. The main character is Momoko, who quits her job upon marriage but a misfortune leaves her childless. Then her husband (Mamoru) has an affair with a younger woman (Nao) and demands a divorce. Learning that she now has no place in her home nor the society, Momoko feels lost and starts showing abnormal behaviors. While Mamoru and his mother (Teruko) are bewildered by Momoko acting strange, there are also fair and unbiased eyes watching her from an unexpected place. Feeling stressed because no one around her sees her worth; and the fear of losing her place grows when her family and the society reject her. The story follows Momoko’s journey through despair and hope.

  • Family
  • Human
  • Art

  • Family
  • Human
  • Art

Tsugaru Lacquer Girl


Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture. Miyako Aoki, who lives with her father, has not found anything she wants to do after graduating from a local high school. She is working at a supermarket to help her family make ends meet. Helping her father, a Tsugaru lacquerware craftsman, is the only thing she can devote herself to. However, her father, who succeeded her grandfather, a highly respected Tsugaru-nuri craftsman, loses the will to continue the business as the industry goes into decline, and the family finds itself scattered. The mother left the family because of the poor life and the selfishness of the father, and the elder brother, a hairdresser, chose to live freely instead of taking over the family business. Miyako is unable to openly declare her desire to pursue a career in Tsugaru-nuri, but as she confronts her family and the art of lacquering, she takes on a great challenge.

  • History
  • Human
  • Reality
  • History
  • Human
  • Reality

Fragments of The Last Will


It’s 1945, and World War II has just ended. A glacial winter, reaching 40 degrees Celsius below zero... Day after endless day of merciless labor, fueled only by scarce rations. Amidst the men dying off one by one in the hellish Soviet concentration camp is Hatao Yamamoto. “You must not give up hope. The day of domoy (going home) will come,” Yamamoto implores consistently to the despairing captives.
Under the dire conditions of the camp, there are ceaseless fights among the Japanese captives. Yet come what may, Yamamoto continues to cheer the men up regardless of rank and character. His heartfelt actions and beliefs gradually warm the frozen hearts of his fellow captives. Yamamoto believes through everything that he will someday go home to be with his wife and four children.
Eight years after the war, a postcard arrives from Yamamoto’s beloved wife. In the letter, passed through rigorous censorship, is written, “I am waiting for your return.” Tears stream down Yamamoto’s face as he thinks of his wife, raising their four children on her own. Everyone felt the day of domoy was near, but meanwhile, Yamamoto is subjected to illness. His health deteriorates rapidly, but Yamamoto never gives up hope that he will one day be reunited with his family. Aching to do something for their dear friend, his comrades set out to accomplish an extraordinary feat under the scrutiny of the guards.

  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • School

  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • School



A film by a new upcoming filmmaker Takuya Kato, which depicts the fragile and crumbling daily life, the process of becoming a woman from a girl, the bittersweetness and frustration of sweet and sad love, and the conflicts that can only be contained within oneself, in a life-sized romantic film that pierces the heart.
Yumi is studying design at university. One day, she realizes that she is pregnant. She has a boyfriend, Naoya, whom she met when she made a flyer for a theater club she knows, but she is not confident that he is the father of her baby. Yumi feels troubled.
On the other hand, the more Naoya tries to accept the reality, the more his thoughts and feelings towards Yumi diverge...

2022 New York Asian Film Festival, Vanguards Section
12th Beijing International Film Festival, FORWARD FUTURE Section

  • On-off drama
  • Family
  • Human

  • On-off drama
  • Family
  • Human

I am what I am


Since Kasumi became old enough to understand things, she didn’t know what love was and she doesn’t have any feelings of romance or attraction. Although she has worries about herself, she has lived at her own pace until she turned 30 years old.
She studied at a music university and she wanted to be professional in music, however, she returns to her hometown and works at a call center.
Due to her sister’s marriage and pregnancy, her mother often adds pressure to her, “Don’t you have a boyfriend?” or “You should try to find a steady boyfriend”.
One day, her mother arranged a formal marriage arrangement without her permission. At the meeting table, she met a man who is also seeking just a friendship.


* Hong Kong International Film Festival 2023 - Fantastic Beats
* Helsinki CineAasia 2023(Finland)
* Nippon Connection 2023(Germany) - Nippon Cinema
Shanghai International Film Festival 2023 - Japan Film Week

  • Comedy
  • Human

  • Comedy
  • Human

What Happened to Our Nest Egg!?


The 2015 best-seller novel by Miu Kakiya has been adapted to film by director Tetsu Maeda (“A Banana? At This Time of Night?”). As of April, 2020, the book has sold over 260,000 copies.
In Japan, it is said you need 20 million yen saved up for retirement. Though everyone has their worries about the future, not many openly talk about it. This film comically depicts this problem through the eyes of a respectable-looking family that’s actually a bit dysfunctional.

The main character, Atsuko, is your average housewife who believes in frugality. She has a husband, Akira, who’s quite clueless about the family budget, a daughter who works part-time, and a son in college. Though Atsuko had been saving up for retirement, she gets in an argument with her sister-in-law and her husband one day, and she ends up having to pay 4 million yen for her father-in-law’s funeral. As if that’s not enough, her husband’s company goes bankrupt, she gets fired from her part-time job, her daughter wishes for a lavish wedding with her fiancé who’s in a heavy metal band, and her big-spending mother-in-law moves in. The family’s savings dwindle by the day.
Problems between husband and wife, parent and child, wife and mother-in-law, a child’s marriage, a child moving out, caring for a parent, and funerals… These are all problems that everyone faces. As the family is hit by one dilemma after another, they struggle and torment themselves in order to overcome adversity.

  • Family
  • Human
  • Sports
  • On-off drama

  • Family
  • Human
  • Sports
  • On-off drama

My Father’s Tracks                  僕と彼女とラリーと

This is a story about a man who spent his childhood growing up without his father. Following his father's death, he decided to return to his hometown and tried to understand why his father was so passionate about rallying.

  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • On-off drama

  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • On-off drama


Two boys met and fell in love with each other in their high school days.
It has been 13 years since they first met…
The two live in different places. Nagisa has left for Australia after breaking up with Shun. Nagisa got married with a woman and has a child, but they have difficulties to continue their marriage. He is still in love with Shun then he goes back to Japan with his little girl to see him 8 years later after their breakup. This is the purest love story of two men and how they can survive from the discrimination and prejudice. 

  • Human

  • Human

Family Bond


Kawasaki is a master carpenter who has a consummate skill. He looks scary but he is full of human warmth and has a weakness for women. Living with his wife and a daughter happily and as usual, he works hard, the sales woman of an insurance company passes by his work place . In fact, she is a single mother who has a son “Ryusei” who doesn’t know his real father . Kawasaki is concerned about him and thinks of building a house for them, however, his wife, daughter and his apprentice are not satisfied with his behavior. He can’t read the line around him.
While he devotes himself to build a house, the father of Ryusei appears in front of Kawasaki.
As the film portrays his care for the shy boy, the story reveals the truth about the daughter not being his biological daughter and the emotional challenge between him and his apprentice. There are some dramas with the man's family.

川崎慎吾(長渕)は神技的な腕を持つ大工の棟梁。強面風で、やんちゃな人情味厚い男だが、好みの女性には少々弱い。妻・美沙希(飯島)と娘の柑奈(山口)と幸せに暮らし、いつものように仕事に励んでいるところに保険会社の営業ウーマン・池田芽衣(広末)が通りかかる。実は彼女は、龍生(潤浩)という息子がいるシングルマザーで、父親を知らない彼を気にかける。この親子に家を作ろうと思い立つが、そんな慎吾の様子に納得がいかない、娘と妻と一番弟子の高史(瑛太)。周りの空気も気にせず、家づくりに没頭する中、龍生の父親と名乗る男が慎吾の 前に姿を現す。

  • Human

  • Human


This film is based on a Shino Sakuragi’s master novel “Hotel Royal” which won the 149th Naoki Novel Prize.
Masayo is the only daughter of a family who owns Hotel Royal, a love hotel in Hokkaido, overlooking the Kushiro Marshland. Failing her entrance exam for art school, she reluctantly starts to help out her family business, while having secret crush on Miyagawa, the sex toy salesman. Customers who come to the hotel are those who need to escape from reality and take a break from their suffocating everyday life. One couple uses the room to take nude photos, another couple stops by to get away from their children and elderly mother. There is also a high school girl and her teacher who have been betrayed by their loved ones. One day, Masayo must deal with double suicide that takes place in the hotel. And to make matters worse, her father Daikichi suddenly falls ill. Now the owner of the hotel, Masayo needs to make a decision - a decision that will decide her faith with Miyagawa and her family. And one that will help her take a huge step into the future.

  • Human
  • Suspense

  • Human
  • Suspense

The Master Plan     


Two boys, Kida and Makoto grew up together because they have in common that they don’t have parents. And a transfer female student ,Yotchi also gets along with them because she has a similar background, which is that they come from not such a good home environment. They spent school life to support each other. There is nothing too special, but they have been living happily. But at the age of 20, Yotchi disappeared. Then Lisa, the daughter of a politician and a top model, appears in from of two men. Makoto takes an unusual romantic interest in Lisa, who lives in a different world from them, and asked her out to dinner, but she does not take him up on it at all. Kida warns Makoto to give up on her because they live in different worlds, but Makoto quits his job and vanishes without a trace.

Two years later. Kida goes into the underworld to find Makoto, and they finally meet again. Makoto worked hard to earn money in order to make Lisa worthy of him. When Kida learns of Makoto's obsession and his "reason" for doing so, he vows to risk his life for his best friend. From then on, Kida becomes a negotiator and Makoto becomes a business owner, rising in both sides of the society. Then, on Christmas Eve, Makoto asked Kida to help him for the largest surprise to make a marriage proposal. However, it is "The master plan" involving Japan entirely that two men have been planning for 10 years. Do the two men’s deep passion reach her!?                                                                                                                                        


  • Human
  • Human

Village Vanguard Strikes Back (Tentative)


There are unique bookstores, called “VILLAGE VANGUARD”, it’s unlike any other in the world.

Keizo is a college student, who calls himself “empty” has been spending an exciting (stimulating) days with a mixture of junk and eccentric people at the bookstore “VILLAGE VANGUARD” where he works as a part-time staff.
After a year of getting used to excitement there, it is peaceful, but he found that something is missing. The Japanese subculture (niche genres of Japanese pop culture) has disappeared from the world!
His fierce battle to reclaim subculture and culture itself is about to begin!

  • Human
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • Factual
  • Medical/Health
  • Sitcom

  • Human
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • Factual
  • Medical/Health
  • Sitcom

The Hikita’s Are Expecting!


This is a story about a married couple, ”Mr. & Mrs. Hikita” who have been having difficulty with fertility treatments for several years.
The couple had enjoyed their life like an adventure, so they have never thought about having a baby (like an ordinary life). One day, the young wife just said, “I want to meet Hikita-san’s baby!” Then they started trying to have a baby. However, it’s not easy to become pregnant. Mr. Hikita is 49 years old at the time, he is too old to have enough ability for pregnancy! Mr. and Ms. Hikita start to get infertility treatments, but it fails again and again. Facing a conflict with the wife’s father who strongly oppose to the treatment, they continue the treatments.


  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • On-off drama

  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • Tearjerker
  • On-off drama

The Real Thing


Kuzumichi Tsuji is a “Good man” who has a good reputation for his work. He has casual relations with two women in his workplace, however, he feels kind of bore for dull days without excitement. He has never fallen in love with someone from the bottom of his heart.
One day, he meets a mysterious woman named Ukiyo (means “transitory world”) and saves her life who was about to die in a railroad crossing because of her car’s engine problem. Ukiyo is beautiful, but her off-guard attitude causes lots of problems for other people including Tsuji. Though he notices her troublesome nature, he unconsciously gets involved with her. Gradually Tsuji comes to have a dangerous relationship with underworld figures. Even he loses usual life style, he is willing to save Ukiyo, but that leads him to an even worse situation.

の2人のOLと深い関係にあった。 ある夜、辻は、不思議な雰囲気の女性・葉山浮世の運転するレンタカーが踏み切りで立ち往生し
は解決したが…。 その後、街で浮世と偶然に再会した辻は、浮世がやばいスジからの借金を抱えていることを知る。関わりたくは


  • Human
  • Human

Almost a Miracle


A new type of main character, who is both extremely ordinary and universally lovable.

Machida is unlike any protagonist you've seen before. He's dull, he wears glasses, and he has no distinguishing features.
His only talent is his ability to love everyone, unconditionally. However, as he gets to know his classmate Inohara, who says she hates people, he is forced to confront an emotion growing within himself that he has never felt before...
Suddenly, a series of unexpected events is set in motion, with unpredictable consequences. Before long, Machida drags more and more people into his orbit, which ultimately results in an amazing conclusion!


Staff:Directed by Yuya Ishii  
Screenplay by Sho Kataoka and Yuya Ishii 
Music by Takehiro Kono  
Planning & Produced by Naoaki Kitazima
Based on Manga “Machida-kun no Sekai” by Yuki Ando (SHUEISHA Inc.)

  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Tearjerker
  • Human
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Tearjerker

The Crimes That Bind


A woman is found strangled to death in an apartment in Tokyo’s Katsushika Ward.
The victim is Michiko Oshitani, a resident of Shiga Prefecture who worked for a home cleaning company.
What’s more, the occupant of the apartment where the murder took place, Mutsuo Koshikawa, has gone missing.
Matsumiya (Junpei Mizobata) and his fellow detectives of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police’s Investigation Section 1 begin investigating, but hit a brick wall when they fail to find any links between Oshitani and Koshikawa.
Why was Oshitani, who lived in Shiga, killed in Tokyo?
Eventually, the detectives’ inquiries lead them to a theater director named Hiromi Asai (Nanako Matsushima).
They learn that Oshitani came to Tokyo to visit her former classmate Asai, but again come up with nothing when searching for connections between Asai and Koshikawa, and their investigation grinds to a halt.
Matsumiya has a hunch that a charred corpse found nearby the murder scene may have some relevance to the case, and subsequently discovers an item among the victim’s belongings with the names of Nihonbashi’s 12 bridges written on it.
When Kyoichiro Kaga (Hiroshi Abe) learns of this, he is deeply shaken.
It is somehow connected to his mother, who died alone...

도쿄 카쓰시카구 코스게에 위치한 아파트에서 여성의 교살사체가 발견된다.
피해자는 하우스 클리닝회사에 근무하는 사카현출신의 오시타니 미치코.
살해현장의 아파트 주민・고시카와 무쓰오도 행방불명이다.
마쓰미야(미조바타 쥰페이)를 포함한 경시청수사제1과의 형사들이 수사에 임하지만,
오시타니 미치코와 고시카와 무쓰오와의 관계가 전혀 발견되지 않고 수사는 난항을 겪 는다.
시가현에 사는 오시타니가 왜 도쿄에서 살해되었는가?
머지않아 수사선상에 떠오른 여성연출가・아사히 히로미(마쓰시마 나나코)
오시타니 미치코가 동창인 아사이 히로미를 만나러 도쿄에 온것을 알게 되지만, 아사 이 히로미와 고시카와 무쓰오와의 관계가 밝혀지지 않은채 수사는 진전을 이루지 못한 다. 마쓰미야는 근처에서 발견된 소사체와의 관련을 의심하며 수사를 이어가고 그 유 품에 니혼바시를 둘러싼 12개의 다리이름이 씌여진것을 발견한다.
그 사실을 알게 된 가가 쿄이치로(아베 히로시)는 몹시 동요한다.
바로 고독사한 쿄이치로의 어머니와 관련이 있기 때문이었다.



  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Art
  • Fantasy
  • School

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Art
  • Fantasy
  • School

The Longest Photo in The World


This is a story based on a teenager boy’s high school life. Hironobu is a shy boy and he lacks passion in his life.
One day, he finds a unique and odd camera in his grandfather's second-hand shop.
The fact is that camera can make the longest panorama photo in the world!
Then he starts a project of making the longest panorama photo involving his friends.
After getting the camera, his colorless life gradually turns into vivid one.
Other unique characters come into this drama and will fill your heart with laughter and tears.

目標もなく、冴えない毎日を送っている主人公・宏伸。 ある日、祖父のリサイクルショップでみつけた風変わりなカメラ。 それは、世界一長いパノラマ写真が撮れる特別なカメラだった!?その日以来、宏伸のモノクロだった人生は、だんだんと鮮やかな色に変わっていくのであった。

  • Family
  • Human

  • Family
  • Human



This is a true story based on a boy's relationship with his mother.
The drama follows the boy’s story of how he takes back his mother's love.
After making new friends, he tries to face his mother and tell her how much he loves her while he looks back on his miserable past.

せつなくも、どこまでも強く優しい歌川たいじの原作を『すーちゃん まいちゃん さわ子さん』などの話題作を手かける御法川修監督が、温かいまなざしで丹念に描く。

  • Human
  • Action
  • Suspense
  • Fantasy
  • Human
  • Action
  • Suspense
  • Fantasy

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない 第一章

There’s something bizarre about this town...

Morioh, a picturesque seaside town.
In this deceptively peaceful-looking locale, strange deaths and other peculiar incidents begin occurring one after another...
Morioh is home to high school student Josuke Higashikata. Although he has the outward appearance of a delinquent, he is actually kind at heart. He possesses a special power called “Stand,” and his unique ability can heal the wounds of others and fix broken objects just by touching them. When he learns that the unsettling events happening around him are the handiwork of other stand users, Josuke rises up to protect his beloved town!

이 마을 뭔가 이상해
아름다운 해안가의 모리오마을.
평화롭게 보이는 이 마을에서 변사사건등 차츰 기묘한 사건이 일어나기 시작한다.
이 마을에 사는 고등학생 히가시카타 죠스케. 겉보기엔 불량스럽지만 마음씨 착한 성격의 소유자. 그는 스탠드라 불리는 특수능력을 가지고 있다. 죠스케의 스탠드는 만지기만 하면 타인의 상처나 부서진 것들을 고치는 것이다. 일련의 사건이 다른 스탠드를 사용하는 자들의 소행임을 알게 된 죠스케는 사랑하는 마을을 지키기 위해 일어선다.



  • Human
  • Romance
  • School
  • For Women

  • Human
  • Romance
  • School
  • For Women

Fantastic Girls


Original story by Maha Harada "Fantastic Girls, Okayama, 1980" (Shodensha).                     In 1980, Ayuko (Mio Yuki) is a new transfer student in Okayama from Tokyo. She doesn't have any friends. She can only rely on her boyfriend Hideho who is a college student. Ayuko secretly draws a romance manga about herself and her boyfriend Hideho. Ayuko's classmate, Takemi (Rika Adachi), becomes a big fan of Ayuko's manga and they become close friends. Due to an incident, they drift apart.
30 years later, Ayuko (Yuri Shirahane) becomes a manga artist and comes back to Okayama to give a lecture at her former high school. Ayuko happens to meet Takemi (Kei Aran) who becomes a teacher. Both of them had secrets that they couldn't tell each other at that time …

剛從東京轉學到岡山的鮎子都沒有朋友。他的精神支柱就是長得很帥又會彈吉還在念大學的男朋友hideho。鮎子偷偷畫了以他們兩個人為主角的戀愛漫畫。有一天,美女同學武美看到她的漫畫。兩個人藉由漫畫漸漸成為很要好的朋友,但是後來因為某件事情讓他們不歡而散。30年後鮎子變成漫畫家,因為在母校演講所以回到了岡山。鮎子想也沒想到會再見到武美。 相隔30年再次見面的兩人,在當時都有不能說的秘密…


  • Family
  • History
  • Human
  • Art
  • Education
  • Family
  • History
  • Human
  • Art
  • Education

Memory of the World Message from Sakubei Yamamoto ~ A miner-painter’s link to the future

世界記憶遺産 山本作兵衛からのメッセージ ~炭鉱絵師がつなぐ未来~

At the age of seven, Sakubei Yamamoto entered a coal mine with his parents; this was the beginning of his 50 year career at the Chikuho mines in Fukuoka prefecture. The mines were pitch black and humid, and the threat of collapse or flooding was never far from the miner’s minds.
After retiring, Sakubei found work as a night guard. From the age of 66, he first began documenting his life and times working at the coal mines in essays and paintings. He left behind a legacy of over a thousand paintings, as well as 70 notebooks and diaries. Of this collection, 697 pieces were chosen for inscription on the ‘Memory of the World’ register. This program examines the life of Sakubei, and the incredibly detailed documents he left behind of the Chikuhocoal mines. What sort of figure was he, and what message does he convey to us through his artwork? Sakubei’s life and art is revealed through the stories told by those connected to him.
It got Certificate of Creative Excellence award at US International Film & Video Festival in 2014

そしてほとんどを輸入に頼っていますが、日本の電気エネルギーの四分の一は石炭による火力発電が担っています。 国民一人あたりにすると、1年間に1トン以上の石炭を今も使っているのです。


  • Family
  • Human
  • Family
  • Human

The Friends


An award-winning film by Shinji Somai. Jun, spectacled Watanabe, and plump Yamashita make up a trio of sixth-grade boys who come to understand death for the first time during their summer vacation. When Yamashita’s grandmother dies, the boys go to stay with the grandfather to help him out. During their stay, they hear the grandfather’s stories about the war, losing his wife, and facing the reality of living his last days alone. The boys’ experience that summer stays with them forever, as they gain a more adult perspective on life and death, and a greater value for their own friendships.

  • Human
  • Nature
  • Factual

  • Human
  • Nature
  • Factual


A Little Girl's Dream

Feature version of a television documentary that follows twenty-six years in the life of a young woman who strives to become a veterinarian. In 1987, three calves "enroll" at a small elementary school in Niigata Prefecture. Takahashi Tomomi, a third-year student, helps take care of one of the calves that often falls ill, and starts to see a future for herself as a "cow doctor." The camera also follows her attempts to enter university and pass the national exam for veterinarians. In the present, we see Takahashi, now married with children, as she continues to tend to the wellbeing of living creatures. Her endeavors convey the importance of holding on to a dream, caring for family, and the joys and harsh realities of her vocation.