Program List

The number of (the)data : 4


14 years after graduating from junior high school, a class reunion is held.
However, this is the beginning of a tragedy.
6 ex-classmates who attended the reunion die one by one.
Each of them has shocking darkness, and they are all a big liar to hide their dark side.
And their true nature will be revealed.

  • Scripted Format
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Entertainment
  • Factual
  • Drama (Series)

  • Scripted Format
  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • Entertainment
  • Factual
  • Drama (Series)

Deliveries from the Heart - True stories from Mercari

缘分速递 - 发生在二手交易平台Mercari交易里的真实故事~

People sell items they no longer need; people buy those items.
Touching dramas of people connecting with one another via those items.
The main character is a delivery woman.
Sentimental items that have fulfilled their role head off to new owners.
Every day, men and women of all ages buy and sell
a wide variety of items using a marketplace app.
How does it feel to sell an item that had been a part of their life for years?
How does it feel to acquire an item that had meant so much to its previous owner?
Every item bought and sold has its own story as seen through the eyes of a delivery woman.
An emotional late-night drama series that will touch viewers' hearts.


  • Human
  • Romance
  • Human
  • Romance

marigold in 4 minutes


Mikoto Hanamaki is a paramedic with a special psychic ability: he can see the moment at which a person’s life ends. But the talent is a curse because despite his best efforts, he can’t seem to change that fate. Living with his sister-in-law, Sara, in an exceedingly pure yet somewhat taboo romance, Mikoto grows frantic when he sees precisely how her life will end in just a year’s time! Can this empathic paramedic, fighting on the front lines of life and death, find a way to alter the immovable hand of fate and save the one he loves?

구급 구명사로 일하는 하나마키 미코토에게는「사람의 마지막 순간이 보이는」특수한 능력이 있다. 하지만 모든 수단을 다 써도 그 운명을 바꿀 수는 없다. 그런 그가 사랑하는 사람은 함께 사는 의붓누나 사라이다. 사실 미코토는 사라가 1년 후에 이 세상을 떠날 운명임을 보고 만다. 사랑하는 사람을 위해 무엇을 할 수 있을까? 구급 구명사가“바꿀 수 없는 운명”에 맞선다! 「생」과「사」에 맞서는 구급사와 슬픈 운명을 짊어진 의붓누나와의 순수한 금단의 러브스토리.


救急救命士として働く花巻みことには「人の最期の瞬間が視える」という特殊能力がある。しかし、どれだけ手を尽くそうともその運命を変えることはできない。 そんな彼の愛する人は同居する義姉・沙羅。実はみことは沙羅が1年後にこの世を去るという運命を視てしまう。愛する人のために何ができるのか? 救急救命士が、“変えられない運命”に立ち向かう! 「生」と「死」と向き合う救命士と、悲しい運命を背負う義姉の純粋すぎる禁断のラブストーリー。

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Human

Stepmom and Daughter Blues


Miyuki Miyamoto is an 8-year-old girl who lost her mother few years ago and now lives with her father, Ryoichi. When one day a hard-working career woman, Akiko Iwamoto, appears and becomes Miyuki’s new stepmom, Miyuki resists, particularly seeing Akiko presents herself with a business card. But Akiko, determined to win over Miyuki’s heart, uses all of her business experience and acumen to the task. And yet, none of her efforts succeed. Ryoichi, too, tries desperately to persuade Miyuki to accept her new stepmom, but he is simply no match for his daughter’s intransigence. Nevertheless, Miyuki finds herself gradually thinking hard about whether to ultimately accept Akiko.
The show paints a vivid picture of the ordinary joys and tears of everyday life, punctuated by the occasional small miracles.

수년전 엄마를 잃고 아버지 료이치와 둘이서 사는 소녀・미야모토 미유키 앞에 새엄마 가 되겠다며 나타난 열정적인 캐리어우먼 이와키 아키코. 명함을 건내고 수상스런 봉투 를 두고 돌아간 아키코를 새엄마로 받아들이지 못하는 미유키는「나, 이 사람 싫어」라 며 단호하다.
아키코는 백전노장의 비지니스 경험을 살려 미유키의 마음을 사로잡고자 다양한 작전 을 짜보지만 실패의 연속이다. 료이치도 미유키를 필사적으로 설득해보지만 오히려 말 싸움에 지고 만다.
큰사건도 해프닝도 없지만 아키코를 의붓엄마로 받아들여야할지 진지하게 생각하는 딸, 그 딸을 최선을 다해 지키려는 아버지의 평범한 일상에는 보통의 행복과 슬픔, 그리고 기적이 넘친다.
